Physical Review E – January 1996
Volume 53, Issue 1


General methods of statistical physics

Quenched disorder, memory, and self-organization
Matteo Marsili, Guido Caldarelli, and Michele Vendruscolo
pp. R13-R16 [View Page Images or PDF (783 kB)]

Classical fluids

Shock-wave structure for some nonanalytical in-velocity closures
A. G. Bashkirov and A. V. Orlov
pp. R17-R20 [View Page Images or PDF (521 kB)]
Kolmogorov’s refined similarity hypothesis for hyperviscous turbulence
Vadim Borue and Steven A. Orszag
pp. R21-R24 [View Page Images or PDF (758 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Dynamics of monopole annihilation by type-1/2 strings in a nematic liquid crystal
Andrew N. Pargellis, John Mendez, Mohan Srinivasarao, and Bernard Yurke
pp. R25-R28 [View Page Images or PDF (1,020 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Dynamical criterion for two-dimensional freezing
Hartmut Löwen
pp. R29-R32 [View Page Images or PDF (740 kB)]
Structural dynamics of clusters near melting
Aniket Bhattacharya, Boyong Chen, and S. D. Mahanti
pp. R33-R36 [View Page Images or PDF (721 kB)]
Topological interactions in model polymer networks
Ralf Everaers and Kurt Kremer
pp. R37-R40 [View Page Images or PDF (690 kB)]
Quantitative molecular interpretation of curvature elasticity of saturated surfactant monolayers
Hyung-June Woo, Carlo Carraro, and David Chandler
pp. R41-R44 [View Page Images or PDF (670 kB)]
Supercooling of surface modified liquids
A. Weinstein and S. A. Safran
pp. R45-R48 [View Page Images or PDF (758 kB)]

Biological physics

Using chaos control and tracking to suppress a pathological nonchaotic rhythm in a cardiac model
David J. Christini and James J. Collins
pp. R49-R52 [View Page Images or PDF (606 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Dark and bright vector spatial solitons in biased photorefractive media
M. I. Carvalho, S. R. Singh, D. N. Christodoulides, and R. I. Joseph
pp. R53-R56 [View Page Images or PDF (679 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Finding the windows of regular motion within the chaos of ordinary differential equations
Alice D. Churukian and Dale R. Snider
pp. 74-79 [View Page Images or PDF (794 kB)]
Adiabatic propagation of distributions: Exactly solvable models
J. K. Percus and L. Šamaj
pp. 80-91 [View Page Images or PDF (1,445 kB)]
Dynamics of sandpiles: Physical mechanisms, coupled stochastic equations, and alternative universality classes
Anita Mehta, J. M. Luck, and R. J. Needs
pp. 92-102 [View Page Images or PDF (2,145 kB)]
Chaotic states of weakly and strongly nonlinear oscillators with quasiperiodic excitation
D. M. Vavriv, V. B. Ryabov, S. A. Sharapov, and H. M. Ito
pp. 103-114 [View Page Images or PDF (2,108 kB)]
Statistical redistribution of trajectories from a torus to tori by chaotic dynamical tunneling
Hiroshi Ushiyama and Kazuo Takatsuka
pp. 115-123 [View Page Images or PDF (1,581 kB)]
Square lattice with attractive interactions
Shintaro Mori and Yasumasa Kajinaga
pp. 124-133 [View Page Images or PDF (1,410 kB)]
Universal grazing bifurcations in impact oscillators
Fernando Casas, Wai Chin, Celso Grebogi, and Edward Ott
pp. 134-139 [View Page Images or PDF (842 kB)]
Growth of breakdown susceptibility in random composites and the stick-slip model of earthquakes: Prediction of dielectric breakdown and other catastrophes
Muktish Acharyya and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
pp. 140-147 [View Page Images or PDF (1,391 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Etchant and probabilistic ballistic models of diamond growth
M. Itoh, R. Sahara, M. Takahashi, X. Hu, K. Ohno, and Y. Kawazoe
pp. 148-156 [View Page Images or PDF (1,477 kB)]
Smooth quantum potential for the hydrodynamic model
Carl L. Gardner and Christian Ringhofer
pp. 157-167 [View Page Images or PDF (1,418 kB)]
Solvable models of spin-1/2 chains with an energy gap
Shosuke Sasaki
pp. 168-178 [View Page Images or PDF (1,228 kB)]
Geometric description of chaos in two-degrees-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems
Monica Cerruti-Sola and Marco Pettini
pp. 179-188 [View Page Images or PDF (1,683 kB)]
Specific heat of a ferromagnetic film
F. Freire, Denjoe O’Connor, and C. R. Stephens
pp. 189-199 [View Page Images or PDF (1,450 kB)]
Control of chaos in multimode solid state lasers by the use of small periodic perturbations
Pere Colet and Y. Braiman
pp. 200-206 [View Page Images or PDF (1,123 kB)]
Smoothed density of states for problems with ray splitting
R. E. Prange, Edward Ott, T. M. Antonsen, Jr., Bertrand Georgeot, and Reinhold Blümel
pp. 207-213 [View Page Images or PDF (1,032 kB)]
Unified time-path approach to the generating functional of the Brownian oscillator system: The bilinearly corrected Feynman rule for nonequilibrium processes
K. Okumura and Y. Tanimura
pp. 214-227 [View Page Images or PDF (1,566 kB)]
Analytical approach to coagulation and annihilation of particles with anomalous diffusion
P. P. Oliva, D. H. Zanette, and P. A. Alemany
pp. 228-234 [View Page Images or PDF (1,302 kB)]
Scaling and universality in the spanning probability for percolation
J.-P. Hovi and Amnon Aharony
pp. 235-253 [View Page Images or PDF (2,967 kB)]
Complex-temperature properties of the two-dimensional Ising model for nonzero magnetic field
Victor Matveev and Robert Shrock
pp. 254-267 [View Page Images or PDF (2,455 kB)]
Stochastic Hopf bifurcation: The effect of colored noise on the bifurcation interval
José Olarrea and F. Javier de la Rubia
pp. 268-271 [View Page Images or PDF (691 kB)]
Experimental visualization of acoustic resonances within a stadium-shaped cavity
P. A. Chinnery and V. F. Humphrey
pp. 272-276 [View Page Images or PDF (1,759 kB)]
Experimental study of fracture surface roughness on rocks with crack velocity
Franck Plouraboué, Kenneth W. Winkler, Luc Petitjean, Jean-Pierre Hulin, and Stéphane Roux
pp. 277-283 [View Page Images or PDF (1,203 kB)]
Evolution of the Liouville density of a chaotic system
Asher Peres and Daniel Terno
pp. 284-290 [View Page Images or PDF (1,174 kB)]
Aggregation with multiple conservation laws
P. L. Krapivsky and E. Ben-Naim
pp. 291-298 [View Page Images or PDF (1,440 kB)]
General method of controlling chaos
Zhao Hong, Yan Jie, Wang Jiao, and Wang Yinghai
pp. 299-306 [View Page Images or PDF (1,312 kB)]
Formation of pyramids and mounds in molecular beam epitaxy
Martin Siegert and Michael Plischke
pp. 307-318 [View Page Images or PDF (2,620 kB)]
Interpolating ensembles of random unitary matrices
Karol Życzkowski and Marek Kuś
pp. 319-326 [View Page Images or PDF (1,200 kB)]
Stochastic processes with stable distributions in random environments
Juha Honkonen
pp. 327-331 [View Page Images or PDF (828 kB)]
Damage spreading in the Ising model with a microcanonical constraint
F. G. Brady Moreira, Adauto J. F. de Souza, and Ananias M. Mariz
pp. 332-334 [View Page Images or PDF (596 kB)]
Exact solutions of the monomer-monomer reaction: Segregation, poisoning, and interface evolution
David S. Sholl and Rex T. Skodje
pp. 335-342 [View Page Images or PDF (1,433 kB)]
Quantum fluctuations and glassy behavior: The case of a quantum particle in a random potential
Yadin Y. Goldschmidt
pp. 343-352 [View Page Images or PDF (1,340 kB)]
Nonequilibrium potential for a reaction-diffusion model: Critical behavior and decay of extended metastable states
D. H. Zanette, H. S. Wio, and R. Deza
pp. 353-358 [View Page Images or PDF (942 kB)]
Scale invariance and dynamical correlations in growth models of molecular beam epitaxy
S. Das Sarma, C. J. Lanczycki, R. Kotlyar, and S. V. Ghaisas
pp. 359-388 [View Page Images or PDF (6,375 kB)]
Traces of a quantum antiresonance in a driven system
E. Eisenberg, R. Avigur, and N. Shnerb
pp. 389-392 [View Page Images or PDF (660 kB)]
Monte Carlo study of the random-field Ising model
M. E. J. Newman and G. T. Barkema
pp. 393-404 [View Page Images or PDF (2,316 kB)]
Complex dynamical behavior in RCL-shunted Josephson tunnel junctions
C. B. Whan and C. J. Lobb
pp. 405-413 [View Page Images or PDF (2,638 kB)]
Avalanche dynamics in evolution, growth, and depinning models
Maya Paczuski, Sergei Maslov, and Per Bak
pp. 414-443 [View Page Images or PDF (5,738 kB)]
Multifractal scaling of moments of mean first-passage time in the presence of Sinai disorder
K. P. N. Murthy, K. W. Kehr, and A. Giacometti
pp. 444-449 [View Page Images or PDF (960 kB)]
Nearest-neighbor statistics in a one-dimensional random sequential adsorption process
M. D. Rintoul, S. Torquato, and G. Tarjus
pp. 450-457 [View Page Images or PDF (956 kB)]
Low-temperature relaxation in the one-dimensional Ising model
J. Javier Brey and A. Prados
pp. 458-464 [View Page Images or PDF (1,107 kB)]
Einstein crystal as a reference system in free energy estimation using adiabatic switching
M. de Koning and A. Antonelli
pp. 465-474 [View Page Images or PDF (1,725 kB)]

Classical fluids

Self-similarity and probability distributions of turbulent intermittency
Gianni Pedrizzetti, Evgeny A. Novikov, and Alexander A. Praskovsky
pp. 475-484 [View Page Images or PDF (1,447 kB)]
Structure of transport linear systems in dilute isotropic gas mixtures
Alexandre Ern and Vincent Giovangigli
pp. 485-492 [View Page Images or PDF (1,285 kB)]
Spontaneous regular structure amplification in strongly turbulent rotating fluids
E. A. Fedutenko
pp. 493-497 [View Page Images or PDF (717 kB)]
Foundations and applications of a mesoscopic thermodynamic theory of fast phenomena
T. Dedeurwaerdere, J. Casas-Vázquez, D. Jou, and G. Lebon
pp. 498-506 [View Page Images or PDF (1,738 kB)]
Bifurcations from Taylor vortices between corotating concentric cylinders
J. J. Hegseth, G. W. Baxter, and C. D. Andereck
pp. 507-521 [View Page Images or PDF (3,774 kB)]
Violation of the electroneutrality condition in confined charged fluids
Marcelo Lozada-Cassou, Wilmer Olivares, and Belky Sulbarán
pp. 522-530 [View Page Images or PDF (1,744 kB)]
Nonlinear resonant stimulation and no-feedback control of the wake behind a circular cylinder
Frank Ohle and Marc Lange
pp. 531-545 [View Page Images or PDF (2,719 kB)]
Polymer-induced drag reduction in turbulent flows
D. Thirumalai and J. K. Bhattacharjee
pp. 546-551 [View Page Images or PDF (1,111 kB)]
Stress fluctuations and shear zones in quasistatic granular chute flows
O. Pouliquen and R. Gutfraind
pp. 552-561 [View Page Images or PDF (1,703 kB)]
Terraced spreading mechanisms for chain molecules
Umberto D’Ortona, Joël De Coninck, Joel Koplik, and Jayanth R. Banavar
pp. 562-569 [View Page Images or PDF (1,270 kB)]
Transition between curved and angular textures in binary fluid convection
A. La Porta, K. D. Eaton, and C. M. Surko
pp. 570-576 [View Page Images or PDF (1,706 kB)]
Analytic expressions for the stochastic amplitude equation for Taylor-Couette flow
Martin Treiber
pp. 577-585 [View Page Images or PDF (1,675 kB)]
Quantum kinetic equation in weak turbulence
Mark Rakowski and Siddhartha Sen
pp. 586-590 [View Page Images or PDF (725 kB)]
Monte Carlo simulation of the ferromagnetic order-disorder transition in a Heisenberg fluid
M. J. P. Nijmeijer and J. J. Weis
pp. 591-600 [View Page Images or PDF (1,657 kB)]
Relation between information transfer and structure function in shell models
Jean-Luc Ottinger and Daniele Carati
pp. 601-610 [View Page Images or PDF (1,545 kB)]
Molecular-dynamics study of detonation. I. A comparison with hydrodynamic predictions
Betsy M. Rice, William Mattson, John Grosh, and S. F. Trevino
pp. 611-622 [View Page Images or PDF (2,063 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Molecular-dynamics study of detonation. II. The reaction mechanism
Betsy M. Rice, William Mattson, John Grosh, and S. F. Trevino
pp. 623-635 [View Page Images or PDF (2,436 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Ellipsometry at the nematic-isotropic phase transition in a confined geometry
Karl A. Crandall, Charles Rosenblatt, and Fouad M. Aliev
pp. 636-640 [View Page Images or PDF (920 kB)]
Dielectric behavior at the smectic-C*–chiral-nematic phase transition of a ferroelectric liquid crystal
S. Hiller, A. M. Biradar, S. Wrobel, and W. Haase
pp. 641-649 [View Page Images or PDF (1,322 kB)]
Defects in chiral columnar phases: Tilt-grain boundaries and iterated moiré maps
Randall D. Kamien and David R. Nelson
pp. 650-666 [View Page Images or PDF (3,379 kB)]
Chiral and herringbone symmetry breaking in water-surface monolayers
I. R. Peterson, R. M. Kenn, A. Goudot, P. Fontaine, F. Rondelez, W. G. Bouwman, and K. Kjaer
pp. 667-673 [View Page Images or PDF (1,302 kB)]
Optical determination of the twist elastic constant of a smectic-C* liquid crystal
Fuzi Yang, G. W. Bradberry, and J. R. Sambles
pp. 674-680 [View Page Images or PDF (1,021 kB)]
Simple molecular model for induced cholesteric phases
A. Ferrarini, G. J. Moro, and P. L. Nordio
pp. 681-688 [View Page Images or PDF (1,438 kB)]
Quench-induced nematic textures of wormlike micelles
R. H. Tromp and P. van der Schoot
pp. 689-695 [View Page Images or PDF (1,434 kB)]
Dynamics of helix deformation in a chiral smectic-C* liquid crystal: Optical experiments and modeling
Erik Kangas, Jian-Feng Li, and Charles Rosenblatt
pp. 696-700 [View Page Images or PDF (817 kB)]
Dynamic critical behavior of thermal parameters at the smectic-A–nematic phase transition of octyloxythiolbenzoate
M. Marinelli, F. Mercuri, U. Zammit, and F. Scudieri
pp. 701-705 [View Page Images or PDF (943 kB)]
Oblique anchoring at a free nematic surface
F. N. Braun, T. J. Sluckin, E. Velasco, and L. Mederos
pp. 706-713 [View Page Images or PDF (1,279 kB)]
Theory of a critical point in the blue-phase-III–isotropic phase diagram
T. C. Lubensky and Holger Stark
pp. 714-720 [View Page Images or PDF (1,015 kB)]
Viscous properties of binary mixtures of nematic liquid crystals
Marcin Fialkowski
pp. 721-726 [View Page Images or PDF (851 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Computer modeling of electrochemical growth with convection and migration in a rectangular cell
Weiguang Huang and D. Brynn Hibbert
pp. 727-730 [View Page Images or PDF (687 kB)]
Membrane hydrodynamics at low Reynolds number
Mark A. Peterson
pp. 731-738 [View Page Images or PDF (1,245 kB)]
Anisotropic diffusion-limited reactions with coagulation and annihilation
Vladimir Privman, António M. R. Cadilhe, and M. Lawrence Glasser
pp. 739-742 [View Page Images or PDF (732 kB)]
Simulation of multicomponent fluids in complex three-dimensional geometries by the lattice Boltzmann method
Nicos S. Martys and Hudong Chen
pp. 743-750 [View Page Images or PDF (1,564 kB)]
Fitting of viscosity: Distinguishing the temperature dependences predicted by various models of supercooled liquids
Daniel Kivelson, Gilles Tarjus, Xiaolin Zhao, and Steven A. Kivelson
pp. 751-758 [View Page Images or PDF (1,566 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Continuum model for the growth of interfaces
Pawel Keblinski, Amos Maritan, Flavio Toigo, Russell Messier, and Jayanth R. Banavar
pp. 759-778 [View Page Images or PDF (4,334 kB)]
Critical behavior of the dielectric constant in the triethylamine-water binary liquid mixture: Evidence of an intrinsic effect
J. Hamelin, T. K. Bose, and J. Thoen
pp. 779-784 [View Page Images or PDF (975 kB)]
Kinetics of irreversible adsorption with a particle conformational change: A density expansion approach
Paul R. Van Tassel, Julian Talbot, Gilles Tarjus, and Pascal Viot
pp. 785-798 [View Page Images or PDF (1,764 kB)]
Enhanced diffusion upon approaching the kinetic glass transition
Cliff Z. -W. Liu and Irwin Oppenheim
pp. 799-802 [View Page Images or PDF (602 kB)]
Theory of gel electrophoresis in high fields: Transient regimes at the field onset
Didier Long and Jean Louis Viovy
pp. 803-811 [View Page Images or PDF (1,640 kB)]
Adsorption of a minority component in polymer blend interfaces
C. Huang and M. Olvera de la Cruz
pp. 812-819 [View Page Images or PDF (1,071 kB)]
Model for an associating fluid near an associatively adsorbing crystalline surface
Orest Pizio and Stefan Sokołowski
pp. 820-824 [View Page Images or PDF (783 kB)]
Experimental study of surface segregation and wetting in films of a partially miscible polymer blend
M. Geoghegan, R. A. L. Jones, D. S. Sivia, J. Penfold, and A. S. Clough
pp. 825-837 [View Page Images or PDF (2,511 kB)]
Monte Carlo simulations of a single polymer chain under extension above and below the Θ temperature
M. Wittkop, S. Kreitmeier, and D. Göritz
pp. 838-845 [View Page Images or PDF (2,247 kB)]
Randomly charged polymers, random walks, and their extremal properties
Deniz Ertaş and Yacov Kantor
pp. 846-860 [View Page Images or PDF (2,612 kB)]
Front stability in mean-field models of diffusion-limited growth
Douglas Ridgway, Herbert Levine, and Yuhai Tu
pp. 861-870 [View Page Images or PDF (1,652 kB)]
Order and localization in randomly cross-linked polymer networks
Sandra J. Barsky and Michael Plischke
pp. 871-876 [View Page Images or PDF (907 kB)]
Evolution of soap froth under temperature effects
W. Y. Tam and K. Y. Szeto
pp. 877-880 [View Page Images or PDF (551 kB)]
Curvature contributions to the capillary-wave Hamiltonian for a pinned interface
K. Rejmer and M. Napiórkowski
pp. 881-895 [View Page Images or PDF (1,857 kB)]
Origin of depolarized light scattering in supercooled liquids: Orientational fluctuation versus induced scattering mechanisms
H. Z. Cummins, Gen Li, Weimin Du, Robert M. Pick, and Catherine Dreyfus
pp. 896-904 [View Page Images or PDF (1,443 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Adsorption of multiblock copolymers at interfaces between selective solvents: Single-chain properties
J.-U. Sommer and M. Daoud
pp. 905-920 [View Page Images or PDF (2,430 kB)]
Influence of surfactants on the structure of titanium oxide gels: Experiments and simulations
F. Molino, J. M. Barthez, A. Ayral, C. Guizard, R. Jullien, and J. Marignan
pp. 921-925 [View Page Images or PDF (863 kB)]
Tricritical universality in a two-dimensional spin fluid
N. B. Wilding and P. Nielaba
pp. 926-934 [View Page Images or PDF (1,389 kB)]
Theoretical study of fluid membranes of spherical topology with internal degrees of freedom
R. M. L. Evans
pp. 935-949 [View Page Images or PDF (2,318 kB)]
Universal short-time motion of a polymer in a random environment: Analytical calculations, a blob picture, and Monte Carlo results
Ute Ebert, Artur Baumgärtner, and Lothar Schäfer
pp. 950-965 [View Page Images or PDF (2,748 kB)]
Intermittent behavior in slow drainage
Liv Furuberg, Knut Jørgen Måløy, and Jens Feder
pp. 966-977 [View Page Images or PDF (2,356 kB)]
Sedimentation to form rough, quasi-one-dimensional interfaces
M. L. Kurnaz and J. V. Maher
pp. 978-985 [View Page Images or PDF (1,446 kB)]

Biological physics

Numerical simulation of cellular tip growth
Bruno Denet
pp. 986-992 [View Page Images or PDF (1,254 kB)]
Topology-preservation emergence by the Hebb rule with infinitesimal short-range signals
Hans-Otto Carmesin
pp. 993-1002 [View Page Images or PDF (1,610 kB)]
Elastic vibrations of microtubules in a fluid
Yuri M. Sirenko, Michael A. Stroscio, and K. W. Kim
pp. 1003-1010 [View Page Images or PDF (1,313 kB)]
Effective breather trapping mechanism for DNA transcription
Julian J. -L. Ting and Michel Peyrard
pp. 1011-1020 [View Page Images or PDF (1,857 kB)]
Maximum-entropy principle and neural networks that learn to construct approximate wave functions
L. Diambra and A. Plastino
pp. 1021-1027 [View Page Images or PDF (1,040 kB)]

Plasma physics

Dynamic spectral density function of a dusty plasma
Fang Li and V. N. Tsytovich
pp. 1028-1034 [View Page Images or PDF (865 kB)]
Self-consistent charge dynamics in magnetized dusty plasmas: Low-frequency electrostatic modes
K. D. Tripathi and S. K. Sharma
pp. 1035-1041 [View Page Images or PDF (841 kB)]
Effects of ion dynamics and opacity on Stark-broadened argon line profiles
D. A. Haynes, Jr., D. T. Garber, C. F. Hooper, Jr., R. C. Mancini, Y. T. Lee, D. K. Bradley, J. Delettrez, R. Epstein, and P. A. Jaanimagi
pp. 1042-1050 [View Page Images or PDF (1,550 kB)]
Nonlinear lower hybrid vortices
D. Jovanović, J. Vranješ, and J. Weiland
pp. 1051-1058 [View Page Images or PDF (1,228 kB)]
Calculation of the electrical conductivity of strongly coupled plasmas
J. K. Yuan, Y. S. Sun, and S. T. Zheng
pp. 1059-1067 [View Page Images or PDF (1,451 kB)]
Short pulse laser propagation in underdense plasmas
M. D. Feit, J. C. Garrison, and A. M. Rubenchik
pp. 1068-1083 [View Page Images or PDF (2,828 kB)]
Collisional-radiative modeling of the L-shell emission of Mo30+ to Mo33+ emitted from a high-temperature–low-density tokamak plasma
K. B. Fournier, W. H. Goldstein, D. Pacella, R. Bartiromo, M. Finkenthal, and M. May
pp. 1084-1093 [View Page Images or PDF (1,614 kB)]
Direct Monte Carlo sampling of the short-range screening potentials for classical Coulomb liquids
Shuji Ogata
pp. 1094-1099 [View Page Images or PDF (800 kB)]
Nonlinear inverse bremsstrahlung and highly anisotropic electron distributions
P. I. Porshnev, E. I. Khanevich, S. Bivona, and G. Ferrante
pp. 1100-1109 [View Page Images or PDF (1,429 kB)]
Modeling of nonlocal electron kinetics in a low-pressure inductively coupled plasma
V. I. Kolobov, G. J. Parker, and W. N. G. Hitchon
pp. 1110-1124 [View Page Images or PDF (2,863 kB)]

Physics of beams

Generation of a high-quality electron beam for application in cyclotron autoresonance maser experiments
I. P. Spassovsky, G. P. Gallerano, J. J. Barroso, and R. A. Corrêa
pp. 1125-1128 [View Page Images or PDF (798 kB)]
Channeling process in a bent crystal
Andrey V. Solov’yov, Andreas Schäfer, and Walter Greiner
pp. 1129-1137 [View Page Images or PDF (1,525 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

One-dimensional spatial solitary waves due to cascaded second-order nonlinearities in planar waveguides
Roland Schiek, Yongsoon Baek, and George I. Stegeman
pp. 1138-1141 [View Page Images or PDF (784 kB)]
Achievable spatial resolution of time-resolved transillumination imaging systems which utilize multiply scattered light
J. A. Moon, P. R. Battle, M. Bashkansky, R. Mahon, M. D. Duncan, and J. Reintjes
pp. 1142-1155 [View Page Images or PDF (2,382 kB)]
Multiple scattering of hard γ quanta in a medium
M. S. Dubovikov
pp. 1156-1165 [View Page Images or PDF (1,184 kB)]
Two-state bright solitons in doped fibers with saturating nonlinearity
Ajit Kumar, Thomas Kurz, and Werner Lauterborn
pp. 1166-1171 [View Page Images or PDF (915 kB)]
Discrete self-trapping, soliton interactions, and beam steering in nonlinear waveguide arrays
A. B. Aceves, C. De Angelis, T. Peschel, R. Muschall, F. Lederer, S. Trillo, and S. Wabnitz
pp. 1172-1189 [View Page Images or PDF (3,919 kB)]
Singularities and special soliton solutions of the cubic-quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
N. N. Akhmediev, V. V. Afanasjev, and J. M. Soto-Crespo
pp. 1190-1201 [View Page Images or PDF (2,018 kB)]
Discrete lattice effects on breathers in a spatially linear potential
David Cai, A. R. Bishop, and Niels Grønbech-Jensen
pp. 1202-1205 [View Page Images or PDF (758 kB)]

Computational physics

Method for computing long periodic orbits of dynamical systems
Lambros Drossos, Omiros Ragos, Michael N. Vrahatis, and Tassos Bountis
pp. 1206-1211 [View Page Images or PDF (900 kB)]
Cluster dynamics for randomly frustrated systems with finite connectivity
N. Persky, I. Kanter, and S. Solomon
pp. 1212-1216 [View Page Images or PDF (799 kB)]
Phase space approach for optimizing grid representations: The mapped Fourier method
Eyal Fattal, Roi Baer, and Ronnie Kosloff
pp. 1217-1227 [View Page Images or PDF (2,500 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Classical stochasticity threshold and quantum mechanics
Marco Frasca
pp. 1236-1237 [View Page Images or PDF (249 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Numerical estimate of a scaling exponent characterizing fluctuating diffusion fronts
Jean-Marc Debierre and R. Mark Bradley
pp. 1238-1240 [View Page Images or PDF (529 kB)]
Nonlinear heat flux dependence of pressure in nonequilibrium gases
R. E. Nettleton
pp. 1241-1242 [View Page Images or PDF (368 kB)]
Decoherence of quantum-nondemolition systems
Jiushu Shao, Mo-Lin Ge, and Hu Cheng
pp. 1243-1245 [View Page Images or PDF (385 kB)]
Mechanism of generic time variability for chaotic pattern selection
Jung-Im Kim and Hie-Tae Moon
pp. 1246-1249 [View Page Images or PDF (785 kB)]
Resonance tunneling of a classical particle
V. Berdichevsky and M. Gitterman
pp. 1250-1252 [View Page Images or PDF (394 kB)]
Effects of reinjection on the scaling property of intermittency
O. J. Kwon, Chil-Min Kim, Eok-Kyun Lee, and Hoyun Lee
pp. 1253-1256 [View Page Images or PDF (691 kB)]
Topological dynamics in a catalysis experiment
Sascha O. Firle, Mario A. Natiello, and Markus Eiswirth
pp. 1257-1260 [View Page Images or PDF (750 kB)]

Classical fluids

Scale disparity and spectral transfer in anisotropic numerical turbulence
Ye Zhou, P. K. Yeung, and James G. Brasseur
pp. 1261-1264 [View Page Images or PDF (760 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Subsurface deformations in nematic liquid crystals
G. Barbero, L. R. Evangelista, and S. Ponti
pp. 1265-1268 [View Page Images or PDF (774 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Singular behavior of the velocity moments of a dilute gas under uniform shear flow
J. M. Montanero, A. Santos, and V. Garzó
pp. 1269-1272 [View Page Images or PDF (697 kB)]

Biological physics

Stochastic resonance in a neuron model that transmits spike trains
François Chapeau-Blondeau, Xavier Godivier, and Nicolas Chambet
pp. 1273-1275 [View Page Images or PDF (532 kB)]
Learning rules for Potts neural networks with biased patterns
D. Bollé, J. L. van Hemmen, and J. Huyghebaert
pp. 1276-1279 [View Page Images or PDF (652 kB)]
Colored noise in the dynamics of aqueous protein solutions
Pui-Man Lam and Diola Bagayoko
pp. 1280-1282 [View Page Images or PDF (472 kB)]

Plasma physics

Nature of the α effect in magnetohydrodynamics
N. Seehafer
pp. 1283-1286 [View Page Images or PDF (518 kB)]

Physics of beams

Effect of magnetized electron cooling on a Hopf bifurcation
S. Y. Lee, M. Ball, B. Brabson, J. Budnick, D. D. Caussyn, P. Colestock, G. East, M. Ellison, B. Hamilton, K. Hedblom, X. Kang, D. Li, J. Y. Liu, K. Y. Ng, A. Pei, A. Riabko, M. Syphers, and L. Wang
pp. 1287-1290 [View Page Images or PDF (815 kB)]